No Credit Check Loan? You Just Met Your Pal To Help
Apply For Quick Cash Loans in Minutes. We’ll Do The Rest
Trusted By Thousands Of Aussies Every Month
Trusted By Thousands Of Aussies Every Month
If you are looking for a no credit loan can be hard finding the right lender, you will most likely find yourself trying so many different lenders to get approved. This is can be so time-consuming and not to mention having to deal with so many different personal loan companies regarding a no credit check loan. CashPal is here to help with that process as an Australian lender finding experts for small personal loans. CashPal has access to a wide range of lenders across Australia and can help match you to the best suitable lender that might be able to assist you in your search to find your loan.
How Much Can I Borrow
CashPal offers personal loans from $500 to $15,000 to Aussies Australia wide and we are happy to assess all types of online loan applications. Our 100% online application process means you can apply with 5-7 minutes all from the comfort of your own home, we are so proud to be one of Australians largest lender finders that makes life so easy for your clients. Our entire mission is to take the stress and time it takes for you to find the right loan you are after. At CashPal we will always continue to improve our process when applying for a 1 hour loans online. You can apply right now by clicking here to take you to our fast loan application
Can I Get A Personal Loan
Applying for a loan online with CashPal is unlike many other online lenders as our entire process to apply is very simple. The be eligible to borrow you must be the below criteria.
- 18 years of or older
- Australian Citizen or permanent resident with proof
- Have a paid or regular income into a personal bank account for 3 months
- Have a direct mobile number and a valid email address.
See! we like to keep it simple when it comes to fast cash loans
Want to Know More?
If you have specific questions about CashPal and our process when it comes to personal loans, bad credit loans, quick cash loans or any types of loans our FAQ’s page has all the answers to all your questions visit our FAQ page here.
Here are the most frequently asked questions
Who is CashPal:
G’day! Cash Pal’s here to be a friend to you when money’s a bit tight. We’re experts in finding lenders that can offer quick cash loans (if we do say so ourselves). If you’re eligible, we’ll do our best to find a lender for you as fast as possible, so you’re not kept waiting.
Can I apply for a Payday loan?
There are just a few basic requirements that must be met before you can apply with Cash Pal. You must:
- Be 18 years old or over;
- Have been paid a regular income into a personal bank account for at least the past 90 days;
- Be an Aussie citizen, or have permanent residency;
- Have a direct contact phone number and email address.
Can I apply for a payday loan on Centrelink?
You can still apply for a loan through CashPal, even if you are receiving Centrelink payments. If Centrelink payments are the main source of your income, our lenders will assess your application just like any other application. As long as you fulfil the list of CashPal’s eligibility requirements, you can apply for a loan through CashPal, even when you are receiving Centrelink payments.
If you meet all the necessary eligibility requirements listed above, you can apply for a loan through CashPal, even when you are receiving Centrelink payments. You don’t need to worry as all our lenders will only approve your cash loan if they believe you can repay the payments comfortably.
No matter what your financial situation is, we are here to help you find the perfect lender who will suit your needs. Our team of lenders are generous and understands your financial needs. You don’t have to be afraid to get in touch with them and consult with them the things that you need and how they can help. You can count on us to give you the best lender-finding service in Australia!
How Quickly Can I Get The Cash?
At CashPal we do our best to provide you with an instant cash loan on the same day. This process involves matching you with a lender who will provide same day short term loan If you apply within business hours then you may receive the cash on the same day. This will depend, however, on any checks that our lender may need to carry out to get you the cash as well as the bank you are with.
Provided that everything goes to plan the application process can be completed within 60 minutes. The cash could be in your account within the hour. If you bank with the same institution as your lender this will allow you to receive the money quicker. However, if you do not bank with the same bank as your lender the fast cash may be in your account on the next business day.
What Do Quick Cash Loans Cost?
The cost of your instant cash loan will depend on the lender we match you with. Most of our lenders can be flexible with the fees and costs associated with their loans. However, this is at the discretion of the lender themselves.
If your application is approved by a lender, remember to read your loan contract thoroughly, as it will contain all relevant costs.
How Can I Pay Back My Instant Cash Loan?
An instant cash loan must be paid back on time in order to prevent any extra fees/charges or defaults from incurring. When a lender has approved your loan they will be able to help you set up a direct debit. This will mean the money will be taken from your account on the agreed upon basis.
You will not need to do any of the payments manually as this process is automated – you will just need to make sure the correct amount of money is in your account in time for the payment to be taken.
If a payment does bounce from your account you may incur a dishonour fee. These types of fees will, however, be outlined in your initial contract with the lender. It is very important that you read through this document in order to understand the charges that you will incur if a payment is to bounce.
If you believe that you won’t be able to make an upcoming payment is important you let your lender know as soon as possible. This will allow you to possibly make an alternative arrangement. This is at the discretion of the individual lender.
What Documents do I need to apply?
CashPal only handles the initial application and provide you with effective lender-finding service. Therefore, CashPal does not require you to submit any supporting documents to us other than a read-only copy of your bank statements and identification. This document is required in order to find you a suitable lender. However, please note that your lender might require you to provide supporting documents to help support your case for a loan. Lenders will be looking to confirm your identity and your personal circumstances to look at the options on how to help you with a loan.
Your lender might need several supporting documents, including copies of bank statements, payslips, and/or bills. If you are receiving Centrelink payments, your lender might ask you to verify your myGov account by accessing it. However, please keep in mind that this is up to the lender what documents he requires from you as CashPal only manages your application for our lending-finding service. The documents and other requirements might differ from lender to lender, so we advise you to wait until we find the most suitable lender for you, before checking what requirements you need to provide them with.
No matter what your financial issues are, we are here to help you find the perfect lender who will suit your needs. Feel free to contact our team at CashPal for further information regarding this matter or even for consultations regarding loans. You can reach us by filling out the contact us form online from our website, or you can send us an email.
What Do Quick Cash Loans Cost?
The cost of your instant cash loan will depend on the lender we match you with. Most of our lenders can be flexible with the fees and costs associated with their loans. However, this is at the discretion of the lender themselves.
If your application is approved by a lender, remember to read your loan contract thoroughly, as it will contain all relevant costs.
How Can I Pay Back My Instant Cash Loan?
An instant cash loan must be paid back on time in order to prevent any extra fees/charges or defaults from incurring. When a lender has approved your loan they will be able to help you set up a direct debit. This will mean the money will be taken from your account on the agreed upon basis.
You will not need to do any of the payments manually as this process is automated – you will just need to make sure the correct amount of money is in your account in time for the payment to be taken.
If a payment does bounce from your account you may incur a dishonour fee. These types of fees will, however, be outlined in your initial contract with the lender. It is very important that you read through this document in order to understand the charges that you will incur if a payment is to bounce.
If you believe that you won’t be able to make an upcoming payment is important you let your lender know as soon as possible. This will allow you to possibly make an alternative arrangement. This is at the discretion of the individual lender.
How Can I Apply?
Our application process is as simple as they come – 100% online, including your application process. Once you have submitted your application we will do a quick assessment. We will then let you know if we can help you. This should only take a few minutes. CashPal will then match you with a lender that will hook you up with instant cash.
If you’re a fan of what the lender is prepared to offer you then you can accept. If you’re not – that’s okay, you don’t have to accept. Once you’ve accepted your contract your lender will send the funds straight to you. It’s as easy as that! No fuss, just instant cash loans – 100% online.
Did you know CashPal offer payday loan across every state in Australia
CashPal service Australia wide!